Coping with Masks and Hearing Loss
The need to deal with masks is a reality for the foreseeable future. It is an inconvenience that most of us willingly adopt to protect our neighbour and ourselves from inadvertently spreading the coronavirus.
Audition Matters More as Cognition Declines
The interaction and codependence of cognitive and sensory systems remains a paramount concern for audiologists as we consider our roles and responsibilities with respect to diagnosing and remediating hearing loss and providing amplification.
Hearing Deficits in the Older Patient; “I Didn’t Notice Anything”
How hearing skills could be key to treating dyslexia James T. Pacala, MD, [...]
Change in Prevalence of Hearing Loss in US Adolescents
Change in Prevalence of Hearing Loss in US Adolescents Josef Shargorodsky, MD, MPH; [...]
How hearing skills could be key to treating dyslexia
How hearing skills could be key to treating dyslexia ADRIANA BARTONHEALTH REPORTER PUBLISHED MARCH [...]